RestIt API Reference

This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of RestIt.

Restit Application

class restit.RestItApp(resources: List[restit.resource.Resource] = None, namespaces: List[restit.namespace.Namespace] = None, debug: bool = False, raise_exceptions: bool = False, open_api_documentation: restit.open_api.open_api_documentation.OpenApiDocumentation = None)

This class represents your REST application and is used to glue everything together.

Since it is a WSGI-Application, its instance can be passed to servers like Gunicorn.

  • resources (List[Resource]) – A list of Resource instances
  • namespaces (List[Namespace]) – A list of Namespace instances
  • debug (bool) – If set to True, you will get a detailed HTML stacktrace if an error is raised inside your application
  • raise_exceptions (bool) – If set to True, exceptions will not cause error responses but will raise an error
  • open_api_documentation (OpenApiDocumentation) – An instance of OpenApiDocumentation. If not set, no OpenApi documentation will be generated.
register_resources(resources: List[restit.resource.Resource])

Register an instance of Resource to your application.

A list of resource instances can also be set in the constructor.

set_open_api_documentation(open_api_documentation: restit.open_api.open_api_documentation.OpenApiDocumentation)

Set an instance of OpenApiDocumentation.

If not set, no OpenApi documenation will be generated.

Can also be set in the constructor.

start_development_server(host: str = None, port: int = 5000, blocking: bool = True) → int

This function starts a development server


Do not use the development server in production!

  • host (str) – The host name, defaults to
  • port (int) – The port number. If set to 0, the OS will assign a free port number for you. The port number will then be returned by that function, defaults to 5000
  • blocking (bool) – If set to True, the function will block. Otherwise, the server will run in a thread and can be stopped by calling stop_development_server().

The port the development server is running on

Return type:


start_development_server_in_context(host: str = None, port: int = 5000) → int

Starts a development server in a context.


import requests

from restit import RestitApp, Request, Response, Resource, request_mapping

class MyResource(Resource):
    def get(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        return Response("Hello")

my_restit_app = RestitApp(resources=[MyResource()])

with my_restit_app.start_development_server_in_context(port=0) as port:
    response = requests.get(f"{port}/path")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.text == "Hello"

# here the development server has stopped
  • host (str) – The host name, defaults to
  • port – The port number. If set to 0, the OS will assign a free port number for you. The port number will then be returned by that function, defaults to 5000

The port the development server is running on

Return type:


stop_development_server() → None

Stops the development server if started in non blocking mode.

OpenApi Documentation

class restit.open_api.OpenApiDocumentation(info: restit.open_api.info_object.InfoObject, path: str = '/api')

Class that that is responsible for creating the OpenApi documentation.

If you want to create a OpenApi documentation, you have to instantiate this class and pass it your RestItApp.


from restit import RestItApp
from restit.open_api import OpenApiDocumentation, InfoObject, ContactObject, LicenseObject

open_api_documentation = OpenApiDocumentation(
        title="First OpenApi Test",
        description="Super description",
        contact=ContactObject("API Support", "", ""),
        license=LicenseObject("Apache 2.0", ""),

restit_app = RestItApp(resource=[...], open_api_documentation=open_api_documentation)


Once your app is running, you can access http://<host>:<port>/some/custom/api/path/ to see your API documentation.

  • info (InfoObject) – Metadata about the API
  • path (str) – The path where the API is served

Generate the OpenApi specification as a dictionary


Only use this function if you want to generate the API specification outside your app.

Returns:The generated specification
Return type:dict
register_resource(resource: restit.resource.Resource)

Register a resource that should be documented.


Only use this function if you want to generate the API specification outside your app.

Parameters:resource (Resource) – The resource that should be registered
class restit.open_api.InfoObject(title: str, version: str, description: str = None, terms_of_service: str = None, contact: restit.open_api.contact_object.ContactObject = None, license: restit.open_api.license_object.LicenseObject = None)

Holds the OpenApi documentation InfoObject.

The object provides metadata about the API. The metadata MAY be used by the clients if needed, and MAY be presented in editing or documentation generation tools for convenience.

  • title (str) – The title of the API
  • version (str) – The version of the OpenAPI document
  • description (str) – A short description of the API. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation
  • terms_of_service (str) – A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL
  • contact (ContactObject) – The contact information for the exposed API
  • license (LicenseObject) – The license information for the exposed API
class restit.open_api.LicenseObject(name: str, url: str = None)

License information for the exposed API.

  • name (str) – The license name used for the API
  • url (str) – A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL
class restit.open_api.ContactObject(name: str, url: str, email: str)

Contact information for the exposed API.

  • name (str) – The identifying name of the contact person/organization
  • url (str) – The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL
  • email (str) – The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address